Thursday, April 28, 2011

Life Goes On ...

Nancy died April 17th. It has been a month of heartbreak but also a month filled with love, kindness and lots of caring. I'm honored to have been a part of her last journey and to know that we gave her a chance to leave in the best way possible. Life is slowly returning to "normal" and we are looking forward to new adventures.

Bob had his last test for the Cochlear Implant on Tuesday and met with the surgeon yesterday to find out whether they can actually help him. It was suggested on Tuesday that because of his car accident years and years ago, they might have to do it on his "good" ear (right side) because the left ear is just too damaged. This left Bob feeling extremely uncomfortable as doctor's are only human and in case they make a mistake, this would leave Bob with absolutely no hearing at all. So we talked a lot Tuesday night and he had made his mind up when seeing the surgeon yesterday - he was going to say no, despite coming all this way.

The surgeon however told Bob that he is happy to try on the left side. Says he cannot guarantee anything, but from MRI and tests there is a good chance that it will work. Bob is overwhelmed but very happy.

And of course we thought that an operation would be well into the future - all you ever hear about is waiting lists but they have scheduled him for May ... as in next month ... and Bob was feeling slightly nervous about the speed of it all - but he is looking forward to this, with good reason.

So there is that to look forward to - it will certainly change the way we have been communicating for the last 17 years :)

Jack and Anna (and all the other gr. 3-6!) spent all day yesterday walking to Parliament. They were going there to deliver letters to Steven Harper (Prime Minister) to express how unhappy they are that way too many First Nation Schools are ignored and often left in shambles. The kids have spent the last month on this subject and it was a great day for them to march to Parliament while chanting "Equal Education - For First Nations" ... it is a little over an hour's walk either way and they were tired when they came home - tired and hoarse - but proud, as they should be!

Jack's friend Ben was telling his mum yesterday during breakfast about the letter he'd been writing and when Karen asked him if he was happy with his letter Ben answered "sure, it is good - though it is not quite as good as Jack or Anna's" and Karen went " well, could you have done a better job or said more or ... " and Ben just went "Nah ... it's a Mote thing"  :)

Look for Anna with her new (!) pink cap and Jack next to her - front and center ... every time :)
I'm sure other things have happened over the last month - but mostly it was a month spent with family. We had Dom, Mark and Milo stay lots, which was great. Carol, Jane and David & Bernice came too - and Adam and Nancy stayed if only for one night ... it was hectic at times and it seems very quiet at the moment, but the fridge reminds me that lots of people were here and food was bought that would just never ever have found its way into my fridge unless others had done the shopping. I'll try to eat something using capers, artichokes, vegetarian hot dogs, soy milk and endive :)

For now ... take care

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