Sunday, March 21, 2010

Finally ...

She's 40 and will you look at that ....

What a day and what a lot of spoiling ...

We really did have a fun day - if a little silly at times, but still we managed to smile and it will certainly be remembered as the birthday with the absolut worst food ever had! Oh well, it is something to laugh about in years to come and I'm sure it will be!

At least the birthday cake which Bob went to get at the European Bakery was lovely - just a shame we didn't cut it till the following day when Bob had gone back to work so he never got to try it - luckily Anna loved it and I'm happy to say I think it is the first birthday cake in a long time that was actually finished totally. She really is a "Strawberry and Cream Cake"- kind of girl!

Bob was home for a week and it was just wonderful. As always we had a lot of fun times and fortunately we also managed to do a few things around the house. He left on Thursday morning and will be home again next Thursday but of course my poor little Jack got sick yesterday - ...again it seems to happen when my hubby is far away. This time poor poor Jack is really sick. He's got some sort of a tummy bug and has been sick for the last 24 hours. At least he's drinking Gatorade which I only allow when there is a tummy bug in the house, so despite pain in his tummy and a temperature he feels spoiled somehow. Poor thing though - and I just cross my fingers he's the only one who's going to get this because it is the worst thing ever!

Spring break is over and it's back to school at least for the girls tomorrow. Anna is as always excited - and Maia is not far behind. Her reading is really coming along and I love that she is now able to read almost everything to me. There is something about it when all of a sudden they crack the code and figure out how letters work together. I enjoy her reading to me instead of me reading to her at night time!

I'll better have a chat with Jack who's lying here next to me - he needs a bit of TLC!

Thanks a bundle to everyone who made my day so very very special!

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