Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Early Morning ...

Well not so early any more, however, Bob had to get up at 3.30 am to go for a MRI (first test of many for the cochlear implant). They do the MRI from midnight till 6.00 am to keep the waiting lists down but golly that is a weird time to go for a test. We of course woke ten times and in between waking with fear of having overslept little miss Maia came in with a temperature and a sore throat! Oh but the joys...

Fortunately Bob had another doctor's appointment for a meningitis shot (another thing for the implant - not particularly sure why ... but we'll trust the doctors on this one!) at 9.15 so Maia went along - had her throat swabbed and was found positive for (yet another!) strep thoat. Good thing is she's already on antibiotics and should be feeling a ton better by tomorrow morning!

I have decided to use this weekend for another project. I have been thinking what to hang outside my craft room - given that the kids all have their fab pictures (shot by John many moons ago!) hanging outside their rooms. I have decided I want to do a "Malkekrans" - and I think the only way to translate that is "Country Wreath". I want to use up all these lovely pieces of fabric I have lying around - and the biggest challenge for me will be not to go buy any fabric ... it must come from my stash!!!

I wanted to find a "How To" on the internet but nothing came up when I tried googling it, so in the end I thought I had better look through my books - and guess what I found in my very first quilting book, the one that taught me how to quilt (the one that I used for Helle & Henrik's Wedding Quilt and for Mette's first baby quilt!) - the last page shows how to do a "malkekrans" so now I have better hop to it!

This is what it looks like in the book

- I'll post another picture when mine is done - feel free to compare!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I was wanting to do one too -- used to make them a lot when I was younger but couldn't remember exactly how. I Googled the word Malkekrans too and that led me to your site. I guess from your picture here that you sew the pieces together at the side of the wreath? Anyway I am going to make a couple for easter in yellow and green colors - and I have 3 different sizes of the styropor ones left over from back when. Thank you for posting this picture. Best wishes, Margrethe, Maine
