The thing that makes me happy
My Favorite and my Best
Are Kisses and Big Smooches
And Hugs and all the rest
Shall we cozy in a Quilt
Or Snuggle in a Bed?
Or hide beneath the warmth
Of my Lovely Pink Bedspread?
I'm a DREAM Owl
Quiet down - Don't make a Peep
We must go off to sleep
Let's be a Team
And make a Dream
Which leaves us feeling glad
We'll then wake up believing
It was the best we ever had!
I'm a GIGGLE owl
I love to tell Jokes - this is my Favorite
"Knock, Knock"
"who's there"
"Owl's Who?"
"That's right, Owl's HOOOOO!"
Tee Hee Hee
Be my Friend, we'll have some fun
And please do tell - your favorite one?
I'm a ROCK Owl
Come JAM with me
Let's make good friends
I'll tell you what I like!
I love that music makes me feel
Like flying high above!
The instruments I like would be
Piano and the Flute
But really what I love to do
is singing and to HOOT!
I'm a GARDEN Owl
I have these great green wings
I know most every flowers
And other Garden things.
My favorite flower is the Rose
It equals lots of love
And Friends and Love goes hand in hand
That everybody knows!
I'm a PEACE Owl
What I love more than anything
is just to hang about
The feelings that my Peace will bring
I hope you'll sing about
Peace and Love and Happiness
Does make the world go round
So come new Friend, let's do compose
and show the would our sound!